Thursday, August 5, 2010

Smoke Everywhere

I don't have pictures today [as you would not be able to see anything] or even quilty stuff. I just want to ask everyone in Blog land to stop for a minute and say a prayer for all the people who are fighting the forest fires here in BC and for the families who have been evacuated. Where I live is across the water to where the fires are, but it is so smokey, Salt Spring Island across the water from my house is just a silhouette in a haze. The sun looks like a ball of fire and the heat is still with us. God Bless everyone involved in the Fire Fighting, keep them safe. 


Nancy Sue said...

Prayers your way from Washington DC area!

Micki said...

My prayers go with you all! How scary that must be! Please do take care!

Anonymous said...

prayers that all involved are safe.
take care